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DIY invitation instructions

Okay, here are the instructions on how I made my wedding invites.
You can modify these to whatever size you want. I like the way mine turned out because they are beautiful and are not too "invitation-y". We're not very "traditional" so these are very us. :)
Supplies used:
Astrobright glisten cover stock paper in Venus Violet (8 1/2 x 11)
Fiskars scalloped scissors
Glue Runner
Paper Trimmer
12 x 12 in. silver/black scrapbook paper
Linen paper (bought from Office Depot)
Step One)

Score the Cover stock at 4" from the bottom. Turn over and score at 3" from bottom.

Step Two)
Fold at scored spots. Run the back of a spoon over the folds to assure flatness.
Step Three)
Make a template for your flap. I used a triangle template but you can do round or just leave the flap plain.

Step four)
Trace template onto smallest flap.

Step five)
Cut along line of tracing with scallop edged sckissors.

Step six)
Use glue runner to fasten edges of your "pocket" together.

Step seven)
Cut scrapbook paper to 3 1/2" x 7 1/2". Attach with glue runner to 'top flap'.

Step eight)
Print your inserts onto linen paper and insert into pocket.

(In this photo, the cover stock looks blue. This is just a product of my crappy camera. It's actually a very vibrant purple. To see the actual color, click on the link in my supply list.)

Last step!!
Print your invitation (mine are 3 x 7) and attach to silver/black paper with glue runner.

This is an easy enough project. It's just very time consuming. For 70 invitations, I spent about 4 hours.