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Almost there.... twice.

Yesterday I designed our monogram that will be used on our aisle runner, on the invitations going out for the Illinois reception, and several other DIY projects I have going for this wedding! If you haven't guessed, I'm getting married. In a few months.....and then again at the end of May. Okay, okay, let me explain.

Almost two years ago, Dave proposed to me. Immediately, I said yes! And so began the planning. Long story short, we ultimately decided to have our wedding in Savannah, Georgia.... the long-time love of my life. (more on that later). But when his parents caught wind of it, they threw a fit.... so, I'm the lucky bride that gets two weddings. One in Savannah, the official one, where I, Elise Amber Mirkov will become Mrs. Elise Amber Bass. And the second one, here in Illinois where we will pay waaaaayyyyyy too much money to feed a bunch of people I will never see again. 150 guests, about 140 of them are his family. More specifically, his MOM'S family. People he hasn't seen in years. But that aside.....

So, the first wedding, the real one..... is on March 1, 2009. In Savannah. It's sooooo close. Less than three months. There's so much left to do. I've taken Wednesday off so that I can get caught up on some of the little things without interuption. It's hard to paint an aisle runner with a seven and eight year old running around. :) As the days fly by, I'm getting more and more anxious.